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SCEE2012 Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
September 11-14, 2012
hosted by ETH Zurich and ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Photo Gallery
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SCEE 2012 Special Issue of COMPEL
Special issue of the journal COMPEL collecting full papers by participants of the SCEE 2012 conference
Conference Program and Book of Abstracts (27MB downloadable)
Minor corrections of "Program and Book of Abstracts" are possible. Each participant will receive a printed version at the conference and as pdf-file on USB-Stick.
Instructions for presenters (downloadable)
Conference Outline |
The SCEE series of conferences
has an interdisciplinary focus and provides a platform
for scientific exchanges between mathematicians, computational scientists and engineers
affiliated both with industry and academic institutions.
The focus of SCEE is on the following topics:
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Circuit and Device Modelling & Simulation
- Coupled problems
- Mathematical and Computational Methods
- Model Order Reduction
The emphasis will be on communicating new ideas and algorithms for numerical simulations.
Papers of selected contributions to the conference will be published in
a special issue of the Journal COMPEL after a regular reviewing procedure.