SCEE, September 11-14, 2012, ETH Zurich


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List of Participants

Invited Talk   Contributed Talk
Name First Name Institution/Country Presentation Title
(Abstract download = link)
Poster Award
1. AdeyemoOluwaseunToltim Electrical Engineering, Ormande/South Africa - - -
2. AliGiuseppeUniversity of Calabria/Italy Poster Optimization of the efficiency of a photovoltaic cell by means of a genetic algorithm -
3. AlparslanAytacIFH ETH Zurich/Switzerland TalkAnalysis of photonic structures in layered geometries by MMP -
4. AltomonteDanieleUniversity of Roma TRE/Italy Poster Swarm-based algorithms for the Minimization of the Magnetic Field of Underground Power Cables yes
5. AntonescuOana SimonaTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca/Romania Poster Numerical modeling of standard lightning impulse on overhead lines yes
6. BanagaayaNicodemusTU Eindhoven/Netherlands Talk/Poster Index-aware model Order Reduction: LTI DAEs in electric networks yes
7. BandlowBastianTheoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Berlin/Germany Talk Electromagnetic Eigenmode Characterization by Sensitivity Analysis -
8. BittnerKaiFH Oberösterreich/Austria Talk Optimal frequency sweep method in multi-rate circuit simulation -
9. BlaszczykAndreasABB Corporate Research Baden/Swizerland Poster Convergence behaviour of coupled pressure and thermal networks -
10. BlomeMarkZuse Institute Berlin/Germany Talk Back-reflector optimization in thin-film silicon solar cells using 3D finite element simulations-
11. BockholtMarcosABB AG/Switzerland Poster Thermal Design of VSD Dry-Type Transformer -
12. BodendiekAndréTU Braunschweig/Germany Talk Adaptive-order rational Arnoldi method for Maxwell´s equations -
13. BollhöferMatthiasTU Braunschweig/Germany Poster Fast Solution of a Magnetostatic Problem with Parallel ILU -
14. BoyvatMustafaElectromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Laboratory, ETH/Switzerland Talk Metamaterial design for magnetic field shielding -
15. BrambillaAngeloPolitecnico di Milano - D.E.I./Italy Poster Efficient Shooting Method Based on Leading Dynamics Determination by QR Decomposition -
16. BugertBeatriceWIAS Berlin/Germany Poster On an integral equation method for the electromagnetic scattering of biperiodic structures yes
17. CagnoniDavidePolitecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Matematica/Italy Talk/Poster Electro-hydrodynamic numerical modelling of corona discharge -
18. CamiolaVito DarioDipartimento di Mat, e Inf. Univ. di Catania/Italy Talk Simulation of a double-gate MOSFET by a non parabolic energy-transport subband model based on MEP including crystal heating yes
19. ChristenThomasABB Corporate Research Baden Dättwil/Switzerland Poster Streamer Inception and Propagation from Electric Field Simulations -
20. CiuprinaGabrielaPolytechnic University of Bucharest/Romania Poster Frequency Parameterized Models for Planar On-Chip Inductors -
21. ColominasIgnasiUniversidade da Coruna/Spain Poster Advanced Computer Methods for Grounding Analysis -
22. CottetDidierABB Corporate Research Baden Dättwil/Switzerland Invited Talk Electromagnetic Simulations in Power Electronic Converter Design
23. CuiJianGraduate School of Computational Engineering, TU Darmstadt/Germany Talk/Poster Body-fitting meshes for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method yes
24. de FalcoCarloPolitecnico di Milano, MOX/Italy Talk Numerical Estimation of the Impact of Energetic Disorder on the Low-Frequency CV Characteristics of Organic MOS Structures -
25. DemirAlperKoc University Istanbul/Turkey Invited Talk Phase Models and Phase Computations for Oscillators
26. DenkGeorg Infineon Technologies AG München/Germany ---
27. Di RienzoLucaPolitecnico di Milano/Italy Poster Transmission line parameters computed by NURBS-based impedance boundary conditions: the case of different conductivities -
28. EmirogluSelcukSakarya University/Turkey Poster Dynamical analysis and control of chaos in Vilnius chaotic oscillator circuit yes
29. EmsonCrisInfolytica Europe/UK - - -
30. FengLihongMax Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg/Germany Talk Automatic model order reduction by moment-matching according to an efficient output error bound -
31. FlisgenThomasInstitut for General Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock/Germany Poster Time-Domain Models for Lossless MultiportWaveguide Structures in Impedance and Admittance Formulation based on Real Eigenmodes yes
32. GrognuzJoelCADFEM AG/Switzerland - - -
33. GüntherMichaelUniversity Wuppertal/Germany - - -
34. HankeMartinCADFEM GmbH Berlin/Germany - - -
35. HannukainenAnttiUniversity of Aalto/Finland Poster Field of values analysis of Laplace preconditioners for the Helmholtz equation -
36. HebedeanClaudiaTechnical University of Cluj Napoca/Romania Poster Optimization of Planar Structures by Means of Shifted Winding yes
37. HerberthsonMagnusSwedish Defence Research Agency Linköping/Sweden Poster Validation of the Potential Method; comparing measurements of a dihedral with calculations -
38. HessMartinMPI Magdeburg/Germany Talk Reduced Basis Modeling for Time-Harmonic Maxwell´s Equations -
39. HiltunenIreneTU Darmstadt/Germany Talk/Poster Broad Band Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions for Higher Order Time Domain Discontinous Galerkin Method yes
40. HiptmairRalfETH Seminar for Applied Mathematics/Switzerland ---
41. HülsmannTimoBergische University Wuppertal, Chair of Applied Mathematics - Numerical Analysis/Germany Talk/Poster Computation of Optimal Model Parameters of an Extended Brauer Model for Ferromagnetic Material Behaviour yes
42. IoanDanielPolytechnic University of Bucharest/Romania - - -
43. JorksHai VanTU Darmstadt/Germany Poster Eddy current analysis of a PWM controlled induction machine yes
44. KaufmannChristofBergische University Wuppertal/Germany Talk Efficient Simulation of Frequency-Transient Mixed Co-Simulation of Coupled Heat-Electromagnetic Problems yes
45. KlöcknerAndreasCIMS, NY University/USA Invited Talk Transformational Programming for time- and frequency-domain EM simulation
46. KnappEvelyneZHAW, Institute of Computational Physics, Zurich Uni of Applied Sciences/Switzerland Talk/Poster Electrical Modelling of Large-area Organic Light-emitting Devices yes
47. KolmbauerMichaelInstitute of Computational Mathematics, JKU Linz/Austria Poster Efficient solvers for optimal control of eddy current problems with regularized state constraints yes
48. KomarevskiyNikolayETH Zurich/Switzerland Talk/Poster Optimal design of reflecting photonic structures for space applications yes
49. KostetzerLucasCADFEM AG/Switzerland Talk Model order reduction for efficient battery electro-thermal simulation -
50. KräckVeronikaFriedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg/Germany ---
51. KretzschmarFritzTU Darmstadt/Germany Poster The (1+1)D Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Method yes
52. KumarUmeshIIT New Delhi/India Poster Novel alternate mixed-mode chaotic circuit models for secure communication yes
53. KurzStefanTampere University of Technology/Finland Talk Improved Electromagnetic Modelling and Simulation of Axial Flux Machines -
54. LavessonNilsABB Corporate Research Västeras/Sweden Talk Modeling of Streamers in Transformer Oil using OpenFOAM -
55. Le MaitreOlivierLIMSI-CNRS Orsay/France Invited Talk Stochastic Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in Numerical Models
56. LeuchtmannPascalETH Zurich Lab. El.magn.Fields and Microwave El./Switzerland - - -
57. MarkosyanAramCWI/Netherlands Talk/Poster Derivation and test of high order fluid model for streamer discharges yes
58. MascaliGiovanniUniversita della Calabria/Italy Poster Simulation of a double-gate MOSFET by a non parabolic energy-transport subband model based on MEP including surface roughness scattering -
59. MatthesUlrichUniversität Hamburg, Mathematik/Germany Talk Reduced order modeling of ODE-PDE networks -
60. MeerbergenKarlK.U. Leuven/Belgium Invited Talk Model order reduction for PDE constrained optimization in vibrations
61. MehlinMichaelaUniversity of Basel/Switzerland Talk High-Order Local Time-Stepping with Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods -
62. MichielsenBastiaanOnera Toulouse/France Poster On the autocorrelation of environment induced noise -
63. MuscatoOrazioUniversity of Catania / Italy Talk Heat generation in silicon nanometric semiconductor devices -
64. NicosiaGiuseppeUniversity of Catania/Italy Invited Talk Designing High Performance Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems
65. OstrowskiJörgABB AG Baden Dättwil/Switzerland ---
66. PacurarClaudiaTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca/Romania Poster CIBSOC Program - Spiral Inductor Inductance Calculation and Layout Optimization -
67. PaganiniAlbertoETH Zurich/Switzerland Talk Efficient Convolution Based Impedance Boundary Conditions -
68. PehlivanIhsanSakarya University/Turkey Poster Circuit Modelling, Simulation and Realization of the new Sundarapandian-Pehlivan Chaotic System -
69. PetukhovAndreyMoscow State University/Russia Poster Grating profile optimization for reflection 1st order Littrow mounting yes
70. PorroMatteoDepartment of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano/Italy Talk/Poster Bulk and Interface Balance Equations for Organic Solar Cell Simulation yes
71. RacasanNicoleta-AdinaTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca/Romania Poster Modeling and Analysis of the Performance Improvement Techniques for EMI Filters -
72. RahkonenTimoUniversity of Oulu, Electronics laboratory/Finland 1. Talk

2. Poster
1. Polynomial Fitting of Nonlinear Sources with Correlating Inputs
2. Analyzing Distortion Contributions in a Complex Device Model
73. RathsfeldAndreasWIAS Berlin/Germany Poster Coupling of FEM and Fourier-mode expansion for the scattering by perfectly conducting gratings -
74. RizzoSantiDIEEI - University of Catania/Italy Poster A new unary quality indicator to assess the degree of approximation of a Pareto approximation set -
75. RomanoVittorioUniversity of Catania/Italy - - -
76. SalernoNunzioDIEEI - University of Catania/Italy Poster Accurate and efficient FEM simulations of circular spiral planar inductors -
77. SchildersWilTU Eindhoven/The Netherlands - - -
78. SchmidtKerstenTU Berlin/Germany Talk Robust transmission conditions of high order for thin conducting sheets -
79. SchmithusenBernhardSynopsys Switzerland LLC - - -
80. SchneiderAndréMax Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg/Germany - - -
81. SchneiderJudithMax Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg/Germany Talk/Poster Stochastic Collocation Methods and Model Reduction for Maxwell´s Equations yes
82. SchneppSaschaTU Darmstadt/Germany Invited Talk The Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Dynamical hp-Meshes
83. ScholzElkeBergische University Wuppertal/Germany Poster The Reconstruction of Shape with 3-Step Modeling Strategy -
84. SchöpsSebastianTU Darmstadt/Germany Talk Uncertainty Quantification of Inrush Currents in Electric Machines with Respect to Measured Material Data -
85. SimsekMuratIstanbul Technical University/Turkey Poster The Reconstruction of Shape with 3-Step Modeling Strategy -
86. SteinmetzThorstenABB Corporate Research Baden Dättwil/Switzerland Invited Talk Numerical Simulations for Power and Distribution Transformers
87. SterzOliverMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Regensburg/Germany - - -
88. StevanovicIvicaABB Corporate Research Baden Dättwil/Switzerland ---
89. StockAndreasInst. of Aerodynamics & Gas Dynamics, University of Stuttgart/Germany Poster A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin-Approach-Based Particle-In-Cell Method for the Simulation of Large Scale Plasma Devices yes
90. ter MatenE. Jan W.Bergische University Wuppertal/Germany Talk Robust time-domain source stepping for DC-solution of circuit equations -
91. UyarogluYilmazSakarya University SAU Engineering Faculty, Electrical Electronics Engg. Dept./Turkey Poster Realization Of Sprott Case C Attractor With CCIIs -
92. van RienenUrsulaRostock University/Germany ---
93. WeilandThomasTU Darmstadt & CST/Germany - - -
94. WeverUtzSiemens AG Corporate Technologie Munich/Germany Invited Talk Uncertainty Quantification from an Industrial Perspective
95. WiesmüllerMaximilianMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH/Germany Talk/Poster Dielectric Breakdown Simulations of an On-Load Tap-Changer in a Transformer Considering the Influence of Tap Leads and Windings yes
96. ZaglmayrSabineCST AG, Darmstadt/Germany - - -
97. ZschiedrichLinJCMWave GmbH Berlin/Germany Invited Talk Nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude model of nano-plasmonic optical devices



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